Stockholm Confidential: great reviews in Italy

Stockholm Confidential: great reviews in Italy

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Stockholm Confidential is published in Italy and the first reviews are just fantastic. Today, Italian monthly fashion and women’s magazine Amica gives the tips to their readers about my book. I’m thrilled!

“The story is packed with grace and you read to the end, with some not bad twists .Hanna Lindberg certainly writes about things he knows well. Reading it is a good way to start the year.” Amica Magazine

The story is packed with grace and you read to the end, with some not bad twists … Hanna Lindberg certainly writes about things she knows well. Reading it is a good way to start the year.” Amica Magazine
“The narrative is engaging, the plots are really “smart” as the continuous twists …Hanna has really amazed me, this is her first novel and in my opinion has already fully center. I can’t wait to read her next! A very good book to start 2017!” Anastasia Frollo, Thrillernord

Lindberg found the right pace for her first novel, building her protagonist in an original way, as well as the supporting actors. Among all, the ambiguous Lennie, who despite his apparent selfishness and a big scary secret and his clumsiness knows how to play the game to get the things he

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